
Pupil Premium

All staff members and the Academy Advisory Body at Oulton Academy take collective responsibility for the educational and welfare needs of disadvantaged pupils, and are fully committed to addressing their pastoral, social, and academic needs within a nurturing and supportive environment.

The Pupil Premium initiative, introduced by the Government in April 2011, was designed to provide additional support for Children in Care and students from low-income families. This funding aims to reduce the achievement gap between disadvantaged students and their peers, thereby improving educational outcomes.

At Oulton Academy, we are dedicated to ensuring that all students leave each Key Stage equipped with the skills and attributes essential for success in the subsequent stage of their education. Accordingly, Pupil Premium funding is allocated to support the academic and social development of eligible students, enabling them to reach their full potential. This funding allows Oulton Academy to implement evidence-based strategies tailored to the needs of disadvantaged students. For further details, please refer to the Pupil Premium statement below.

Our focus at Oulton Academy is on providing robust support for core subjects, as proficiency in these areas is fundamental to accessing the broader curriculum. We place significant emphasis on the early identification of students' needs, and, in collaboration with the Pupil Premium Leader, Inclusion Leader, SENCo, and Subject Leaders, teachers are required to consider and address the specific learning needs of students eligible for Pupil Premium funding. As a cohesive team, we implement high-quality teaching strategies and targeted interventions to support these students.

The effectiveness of these strategies is regularly monitored by the Pupil Premium Steering Group, comprising Mr. Higgins, Mrs. L. Sims, Mr. Gumbley, Mr. N. Carolan, and Mr. T. Long, who meet termly to assess and adjust the impact of these approaches. Furthermore, the strategy and its outcomes are subject to annual quality assurance by an external Pupil Premium specialist to ensure continuous improvement.