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Oulton Academy appreciates that choosing a secondary school is an extremely important decision and one that must be made with careful consideration. As such we are thoroughly delighted that you are considering applying for a place at Oulton Academy.
To ensure you are able to make a fully informed decision, we host several events throughout the academic year to share with prospective pupils and their parents and carers all the Academy has to offer, our vision and values and our commitment to supporting each individual child’s academic and personal development. These events will be communicated in advance via the Academy’s website and social media platforms. Individual appointments can be made upon request by contacting the Academy directly.
Carltion Academies Trust is the admission authority for the Academy and is responsible for determining its admission arrangements. The Trust has determined that all admissions will be co-ordinated through the Local Authority's co-ordinated admission arrangements.
Therefore, applications for places at Oulton Academy will need to be made in accordance with the statutory Admission Code and will be made online via the Synergy Admissions application. This provides a portal for applicants (Parent Portal) and a portal for schools (SAM). This applies to both applications for a Year 7 place and in-year transfers. In-year transfers refer to any application made to the academy outside the normal admission round - when pupils transition from primary school to secondary school at the start of term in September. For in-year transfers, a Supplementary Information Form will be required detailing information of previous education. Oulton Academy will provide you with this form upon receiving your application for a place at the Academy.
To apply for a place at Oulton Academy, parents will need to create an account for the Parent Portal using the link below:
Apply for a school placeThe Local Authority will communicate the outcome of individual applications to parents and carers on our behalf.