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Our Promise & Priorities
Oulton Academy promises to:
- Welcome all new students in year 7 and in year transfers, to a friendly, safe and caring academy environment where education is celebrated by all! We start the transition in years 5 and 6.
- Relentlessly seek to remove all barriers to learning and ensure that your child/our student receives the very best education necessary to meet their needs regardless of prior starting points and social background.
- Ensure that your child/ our students are equipped to stand tall on the next leg of their journey, empowering them to succeed in life after Oulton Academy.
Oulton Academy priorities aim to maximise student learning and wellbeing.
AttendanceStudents learn better when they are in school. Oulton Academy's first priority is to improve attendance for all students and reduce persistent absence.
A commitment to Quality first teaching
The best available evidence indicates that great teaching is the most important lever schools have to improve pupil attainment. Ensuring every teacher is supported in delivering high-quality teaching is essential to achieving the best outcomes for all pupils., particularly the most disadvantaged among them.
Improving behaviourAt Oulton Academy we prioritise working with various stakeholders to ensure that poor behaviours are understood and dealt with and that good behaviours are shared and celebrated.
Literacy and Numeracy
Oulton Academy is committed to ensuring that all students are at age expected reading and numeracy by the end of year 8.
English Baccalaureate
We are committed to increasing the uptake of the full EBacc so that students receive rigours, broad and balanced curriculum throughout their time at Oulton Academy.
Parental engagementOulton Academy is committed to continuing its work with parents as their support contributes to improved student progress and attainment.