Curriculum Intent

At Oulton Academy the curriculum intent is focused on providing all students with an accessible and enjoyable education which ensures they are: academically successful, life-long learners, and have the opportunity to benefit from a multitude of rich experiences.  

In line with the academy’s values and ethos, our curriculum is intended to allow every student to grow as well-rounded and responsible citizens who can fulfil their potential and play a positive role in society. Our knowledge-rich curriculum which spans years 7 -11 is mapped to meet the demands of the national curriculum at each key stage so that our students can meet and exceed age related national expectations and progress well into their next phase of education. Our curriculum were appropriate uses local content and context which alongside parent and student choice supports our curriculum design and offer. 

Senior and Middle leaders are ambitious for the academic achievement of all pupils across a wide range of subjects. Our curriculum is designed to build from one year to the next. Curriculum planning focuses core and subject content knowledge and skills to aid our students’ long-term knowledge recall, build their subject fluency and deepen their understanding. Since 2021 Oulton Academy has seen a year-on-year increase in the proportion of students studying the EBacc. 

The wider curriculum incorporates areas such as Relationship, Sex and Health Education, Fundamental British Values, Oulton Values, careers and citizenship to ensure there is a clear understanding of what students learn across each year and throughout their time at Oulton Academy. 

Our knowledge rich curriculum supports our students to access their next steps in education at every level as we believe the longer one continues in education and/or training the greater the reward in health, happiness and social mobility. Our current NEET figure (2023/2024) is 0% compared to 12% nationally and 7.8% locally. Our curriculum is central to Oulton Academy's rapid model of transformation which underpins the quality of education that our students receive. No student is left behind!