Bus Services

Current buses that serve Oulton Academy

154 - view timetable - Rothwell - Oulton Academy via Woodlesford

446 - view timetable - Leeds/Wakefield - Oulton Academy

OA1 - view timetable - Robin Hood - Oulton Academy via Rothwell

OA2 - view timetable - Domestic Street - Oulton Academy via Belle Isle Circus and Middleton

OA3 - view timetable - Low Road - Oulton Academy via Middleton Road and Raylands Way

OA4 - view timetable - Belle Isle Road/Moor Road - Oulton Academy

R5 - view timetable - Lower Mickletown - Oulton Academy [additionally via Woodlesford PM only]

Click here for the link for the route/timetable:


How to get a bus pass

Children who use the current services should have a Priority Photo Card Pass.  Please apply using the link below or collect an application form from our main reception. You should receive your child’s pass around a week after submitting the application. 

Please note this pass needs to be accompanied with a method of payment. 


To benefit from reduced fares, pleas click on the following link to apply for an under 19 bus pass

​https://www.wymetro.com/schools/applications/education-passes/under-19-bus-only-travel/If you require any assistance with this, please telephone:(0113) 348122 or email: 
