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Key Stage 4
In Year 10 and 11 students at Oulton Academy will typically study for 9 GCSE equivalent courses.
In year 9 students have the option to specialise in History or Geography and if they wish to study both areas to GCSE level we will support this. To gain the English Baccalaureate students must study English Language, English Literature, maths, at least two GCSEs in Science, History or Geography and a modern foreign language. Any student who wishes to can access the full suite of English Baccalaureate subjects is able to. Due to their increasing aspirations and self-confidence an increasing proportion of students are doing so. In addition to the English Baccalaureate students have access to a broad range of optional courses including vocational and traditional GCSE courses. When providing the GCSE options to our students we adapt the offer to their demands due to this and constraints in timetabling, staffing and group sizes not all of courses will run for every cohort:
In year 10 and 11 all students study
- English Language
- English Literature
- Mathematics
- Science Trilogy (unless the choose to study the three separate science)
- History and/or Geography
- Physical Education
- Citizenship (PSHE/RSE/RE)
Many students will continue to study a modern foreign language.
Optional courses currently offered at GCSE level (or equivalent)
- 3D Design
- Art
- Biology, Chemistry, Physics (replacing Science Trilogy)
- Business Studies
- Computer Science
- Dance
- Drama
- Enterprise & marketing
- Food Preparation & Nutrition
- French
- Further Mathematics
- Health & Social Care
- iMedia
- Media Studies
- Music
- Photography
- Product Design
- Religious Education
- Spanish
- Sport Science
- Textiles
- Travel & Tourism