Behaviour and Welfare
At Oulton Academy, we adopt a firm but fair approach. We apply this rigorously, robustly and consistently. Where pupils demonstrate behaviours, which have a negative effect on their own learning and that of peers, it is essential that professionals within the Academy address this.
We aim to support pupils and help them to make the right choices, not only for the benefit of others but also for themselves. In order to do this, it is important to help pupils understand that actions have consequences, and as part of this system we operate a robust sanction and reward system. We remind pupils of the impact of our actions and words, and constantly reinforce how we teach one another socially acceptable behaviours through how we conduct ourselves and what we say. Our conduct and sanctions systems are there to act as mild deterrents to misbehaviour, and uphold our culture of safety, respect and responsibility. If standards at the Academy are to be maintained, it is equally important to have a clear, consistent sanctions system.
It has long been recognised that educators have an important role to play in producing well rounded, confident and successful young adults. Schools play an important role in communicating expectations and promoting social norms in terms of behaviours which are accepted and expected by wider society and employers.
Our Behaviour for Learning Policy seeks to encourage young people to make positive choices. This is supported by an environment led by caring professionals that reinforce, recognise, reward and encourage positive behaviours.
Oulton Academy recognises that even when encouraged to make the right choice, some pupils will occasionally make choices which hinder their own learning or that of others. A series of strategies will then need to be used to bring about changes to these behaviours. The aim of these strategies is to encourage pupils to comply with the Academy rules, re-engage with learning and allow others to learn. When pupils do not effectively respond to these strategies, the Academy will need to employ a series of sanctions to ensure the behaviour of a minority does not undermine the education of the majority or threaten the well-being of others, the Academy, or its community. Sanctions include detentions, internal and external reflections time, restorative approaches, suspensions, behaviour and inclusion panels, Academy managed moves, alternative provision or permanent exclusion/expulsion.
Pupils will always be informed of potential outcomes of their actions thus allowing them to make an informed decision before they choose to act. The progressive stages of the conduct system are clearly outline in the Behaviour for Learning Policy. They work best when they are consistent, fair and proportionate.
Rewards and Values
Every pupil is unique and we regularly identify, reward and celebrate their many successes across all aspects of Academy life. This includes attendance, outstanding academic achievement and also personal development. Our rewards are targeted, sincere and also promote our Academy values, where pupils are specifically rewarded for their success in line with a specific Value. This emphasises
to our pupils the behaviours that we expect to see within the Academy and also highlights that we identify and recognise when positive choices are made and the achievements that are derived from this.
Positive behaviours ensure the safety and welfare of all pupils, staff and other professionals within our Academy community. The welfare of pupils is of the utmost priority in Oulton.
Pupils are supported by an extensive team of professionals with a wealth of experience. Support for pupils is bespoke and targeted in response to their individual needs. The Inclusion team includes:
- Vice Principal (Inclusion)
- Learning Managers – One dedicated to each year group
- Attendance Team – Attendance Lead, Admin and Education Welfare Officer
- Medical Officer
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO)
- Haven and Haven Plus – SEND Support
- Personalised Learning Centre – SEMH Support
- Pathways Provision
- Reflection and Resilience Provision
- Mental Health Champion
- Safeguarding Team – Designated Safeguarding Lead, Senior Child Protection Officer, Family Support Worker, Prevent Lead
All pupils across the Academy also benefit from the support provided by their form tutors, subject teachers and the Senior Leadership Team.